英国"脱欧"拖延久 愁坏地图和旅行指南出版商 Apr 16th 2019, 00:00, by 人民网 英国脱离欧洲联盟的进程久拖不决,愁坏地图和旅行指南出版商。 从最初的3月29日,到4月12日,再到最新的10月31日,"脱欧"日期一拖再拖。"我们彻底懵了,"法国一家出版社的经理亨利·梅多里告诉法新社记者。 英国2016年经由公民投票决定退出欧洲联盟以后,"一些读者说我们的(欧盟)地图包含英国是错误",出版社因而在出版物中把英国与欧盟其他国家分开,但一些读者发来电子邮件,指出英国正式"脱欧"以前仍是欧盟成员。 梅多里说,为应对"公众压力",出版社增加说明,解释"脱欧"。 "一年半以来,我们几乎放弃了在这一领域的销售,"梅多里补充说,欧盟方面没有提供任何指导。 梅多里展示仓库中数十份关于"欧盟27国"的小册子,即英国"脱欧"后欧盟成员国数目。"我们手头有至少10种书含有欧盟地图,"他说,"事情有点复杂。我们已经停止印刷,一旦'脱欧'尘埃落定,我们将开始印刷。" 英国牛津大学出版社一名发言人说:"我们关注着形势,在事情进一步明朗以前不作重大修改。一些情形下,如果地图只会让人困惑,我们就删掉。"(惠晓霜)【新华社微特稿】 |
After popularizing day by day fantasy sports activities, which effectively served as a precursor to sports activities 1xbet betting, the businesses partnered with skilled sports activities leagues and casinos and pushed into states where legalization is on the table. Each company has contributed $16.7 million towards the initiative campaign, a mixed $100 million — important however not unprecedented spending for a California ballot campaign. Any type of playing — whether or not racing, bingo, card games, cube games, lottery, slots, and sports activities betting — can turn out to be problematic. However, some forms of playing have explicit characteristics which will intensify the problem and the consequences. When players do exhaust all their funds, casinos will sometimes loan them extra cash. This is what occurred to Noffsinger’s former shopper Jenny Kephart.